Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Psalm 131
1b I don’t concern myself with matters too great
or too awesome for me to grasp.
2 Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
just as a child is quiet with its mother.
1God, I'm not trying to rule the roost, I don't want to be king of the mountain.
I haven't meddled where I have no business
or fantasized grandiose plans.
2 I've kept my feet on the ground,
I've cultivated a quiet heart.
Like a baby content in its mother's arms,
my soul is a baby content.
(The Message)

There are people in my life who frustrate or just simply drive me crazy. I don't understand why they can't see the stupidity of their actions, the self-centeredness of their lives, the counter-productiveness of their choices, or the harm all these things do to the people around them.

And I wonder sometimes why the people who have more influence or authority with these irksome individuals don't call their hands on their thinking or actions.

But I have to remember that I'm not in charge here. God is. Sometimes it's usually not my place to police the behavior of others, or stand in a place of correction.

Sometimes it's a waste of my time to try to alter the actions of others. Not everyone I know thinks wisdom & truth fairly drip from my mouth! ;-)

And sometimes I don't see the big picture. There's more going on than I know, or need to know.

And finally, sometimes I have other things that need to command my attention than the inappropriate actions of others.

Is this easy for me?


It also helps to remember that I'm that irritating or frustrating person for others.


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