Monday, September 7, 2020

4 letters

 Paul wrote 4 short letters (epistles) to the followers of Jesus in 4 different towns - Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, & Colossae.

Btw, Paul wrote Ephesians, Philippians, & Colossians from prison.

They are jam packed with all kinds of truth that we have made pivotal to our thinking.

They are very short.

Galatians is 6 chapters.

Ephesians is 6 chapters.

Philippians is 4 chapters.

And Colossians is 4 chapters.

So if you read 1 chapter a day you could read through them in 20 days - less than 3 weeks.

And the rich truth you will encounter in them will change your life.

Here's some truth I read just this morning...

Let your roots grown down into (Christ Jesus)

& draw up nourishment from Him,

so you will grow in faith

strong & vigorous in the truth you were taught.

Let you lives overflow with thanksgiving

for all He had done.

Colossians 2:7 (NLT, 1st ed.)

Please read through these 4 letters soon - like start today.

They will change your life is so many deep ways.

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