Thursday, June 11, 2009


2 Timothy 1: 14 Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you.

Here's what my Life Application Bible says about this verse...

"Timothy was in a time of transition. He had been Paul's bright, young helper; soon he would be on his own as a leader of a church in a different environment. Although his responsibilities were changing, Timothy was not without help. He has everything he needed to face the future if he would holf on tightly to God's resources.

"When you are facing difficult transitions, it is good to follow Paul's advice to Timothy & look back on your experience.

"Who is the foundation of your faith?

"How can you build on that foundation?

"What gifts has the Holy Spirit given you?

"Use the gifts you have already been given."

I believe I underlined that part of this footnote a couple of years ago. Interesting that this verse came up off the page right now, as I'm facing trainsition into who knows what downtown.

Psalm 139:5 God both precedes & follows me.

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