Thursday, December 24, 2009


2 Thessalonians 1:11 our God will make you worthy of the life to which He has called you.

You have no idea how I've held on to this verse this year.

I memorized this verse back in the late spring. Early in June, Leann came to summer HOG with a band of worship leaders from all over the Christ Chapels. Ken Land came to speak. I felt like I was "running with the big dogs" that night.

But at the end of Ken's sermon, I'm standing over by the side of the room thinking, "Holy cow! How in the world is little old me gonna close this service?! This service has been filled with highly competent people! How is someone like me whose transitions & closings are, shall we say, merely ok, gonna step up & close this service?!"

Then God whispered to me "our God will make you worthy of the life to which He has called you"

So, I thought, "well, God... this is Your gig. I can't make this closing happen. You're gonna have to."

So, I just walked out, started talking, & probably the best closing of the summer HOG came out of my mouth. It had to be God.

2009 has been ALL about me being me, doing what I do best, NOT making things happen, & letting God make happen whatever He wants to have happen. I really hope I smart enough to do the same thing next year. Life's SO MUCH simpler if I do.

Our God WILL make you worthy of the life to which He has called you.

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