Sunday, January 10, 2010

just a word

Psalm 144:17 The Lord is righteous is everything He does;
He is filled with kindness.
18 The Lord is close to all who call on Him,
yes, to all who call on Him sincerely.
19 He fills the desires of those who fear Him
He hears their cries for help & rescues them.
20 The Lord protects all those who love Him,
but He destroys the wicked.

21 I will bless the Lord,
& everyone on earth will bless His holy name forever & forever.

Sometimes I just think I need to share a scripture in this blog - nothing deep or profound - just verses from where I'm reading. I guess maybe God wants to speak through His word to the people who read this blog?

In the last few years I've quit trying to explain my life. I just try to be obedient as best I can.

Don't know who this is for. The parts I underlined where pretty profound to me this a.m.

Have a good day today - live in the strong truth of these verses

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