Monday, August 16, 2010


2 Corinthians 3:5 It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power & success come from God.

How many of us think that God may call us, but we're the engine pulling the train in getting it done?

The longer I live, the more I think we're just conduits...

...plugged into Him, & plugged into people...

...His love & power flows through us to people.

Our only responsibility is to keep the conduit in good enough shape to allow His love & power to flow unimpeded through it.

If God calls us to be & do something, He's the One Who makes it happen, not us.

Remind me of that as we travel to Blairsville, will ya?

I was thinking about something yesterday...

I've lived in Middle Georgia for 29 years - half my life.

Fairly soon, we're packing our things & moving to Blairsville, where we basically know no one, & are starting all over, again.

I turn 60 soon.

This is crazy.

Didn't think God still did this kind of thing with people.

Pretty cool, huh?!

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