Saturday, January 22, 2011


Matthew 3 talks about a cousin of Jesus, John the Baptist, that person who came along right before Jesus, to herald Jesus' coming, & his subsequent baptizing of Jesus

Even though we think of John as overshadowed by Jesus, Jesus said he was the greatest prophet that ever lived.

John fulfilled his purpose in life, he lived his life in obedience to God's calling on his life, he lived a life surrendered to God.

I wonder if John & his life kinda pokes holes in our present concepts of who we are as Christ followers?

We have such a success orientation when it comes to following Jesus. It would seem that so much of our concept of what the life of a Christ follower is seems to be so synonymous with the "American Dream" of the good life.

I wonder what John would say to that? In the end, John the Baptist landed in jail, & then had his head cut off.

...hardly an extension of the American Dream.

What am I trying to say?

I believe here in America we've forgotten that our lives as Christ followers is one of being a servant - doing what we're told. That doesn't mean we are guaranteed success. It doesn't mean we'll get a good job, have a decent income, a nice home, children who love the Lord, bulging 401k's, & a couple of SUV's in the garage to carry us to our kids' soccer practices or to Starbucks to get our skinny caramel latte or to our political action forum.

Following Jesus means we connect with the God of the universes & do His bidding, becoming a smal part in His overarching plan for humankind. It is a life of constant changes, different seasons, sometimes inexplicable course changes, and sacrifice. These are often antithetical to the American Dream.

As Christ followers, we are a faithful few plunked down in an overwhelmingly big world going slam to hell in a handbasket. And we are charged with touching the people in which we come in contact with Jesus message of love & forgiveness & connection with God.

Do we find this reality not very inviting? Yep.

Why open ourselves to that kind of selfless discipleship? Because we walk that journey with the God of the universes.

And besides, is being a Christ follower all about what we can get out of it, or is it more about giving glory to the God of the universes, Who totally deserves it?

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