Friday, December 16, 2011


John 4:35 (Jesus said) You know the saying, 'Four months between planting and harvest.' But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.

We are surrounded, all the time, by people who have no connection with God.

It's always amazing to me how people will respond to a gentle, unobnoxious sharing of what I've found through Jesus.

Usually it's the people that I think probably won't listen who end up being the ones who listen the most.

Ya just never know.

We all are so hesitant to share the new life we find intrusting Jesus as our means of connecting with God.

I think we're just afraid, or lazy.

But then I think about this - what if the person(s) who shared about their lives as Christ follower with us had been afraid, or lazy, & hadn't told us all the stuff we needed to hear that eventually encouraged us to follow Him.

Scary thought, huh?


And please remember one other thing...

Forever is a VERY long time.

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