Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Psalm 106:24 The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn't believe His promise to care for them.

This is such a singularly difficult verse to read.

What the psalmist is talking about is when the Jews refused to enter Canaan the first time because they believed what 10 of the 12 spies told them about the Promised Land - that they couldn't conquer it.

Iow, they didn't believe that if God said they could & would conquer it, then that's exactly what they could & would do.

They didn't trust Him.

These were the people who'd seen plagues in Egypt that brought about their release from slavery of 400 yrs.

These were the people who'd seen the Red Sea part & then walked across it on dry land.


As a result, God didn't let them go in. He let them wander in the wilderness for 40 yrs until everyone who had said no to God was dead.

That's pretty still punishment.

But before we come down hard on the Jews at this time, how many of us are the same way?

How many of us simply don't trust Him to do the things He says He will?

The longer I live, the more I realize that with God, it's about trust.

We either trust Him, or we don't.

And to be frank,most of the time, we don't.

Am I right, or what?

Now I'll tell ya, right now, after 20 months of "circling the field" (as Lynn calls it) it's getting wearisome being so clueless. But trusting is what brought us to this place in this season. What else do we have but trusting to bring us through it.

And ya know, it's interesting - more & more I understand that the trust (& faith) that brings you to a place ain't the level of trust (& faith) that will keep you there. And it surely ain't the trust (& faith) that will move you to the next season.

I've said all that to say this - trust Him - we may miss your Promised Land as a result.

Do we want to come to the end of our lives & realize we could have had ____________ (you fill in the blank) simply because we didn't trust Him & walk toward it?

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