Wednesday, May 11, 2016

come here

Matthew 11

28 Then Jesus said,

"Come to me,

all of you who are weary

and carry heavy burdens,

and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you.

Let me teach you,

because I am humble and gentle at heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy to bear,

and the burden I give you is light."

How many of us who have children can remember times when our children would fall down & hurt themselves,

or maybe be scared by something,

or were mad about something,

or had been treated badly by someone,

or had a great disappointment with something or someone,

or something like all that.

And in each of those instances, what have we done?

We've said to these children, “come here...”

And most of the time we've put our arms around them, &/or taken them up in our laps, & held them, trying to soothe whatever had harmed them, or at least seemed to have.

That's basically the situation Jesus is saying to us here in verse 28.

The God of the universes says to each of us, “come here...”

We all carry stuff around inside us, stuff that no one else knows we carry.

It's tough stuff...

old hurts & hangups,

angers & issues,

secrets & inhibitions,

fears & worries,

trials & traumas,

embarrassments & shame,

& all kinds of other crap.

God opens Himself up to each of us & just simply said, “come here...”

How many of us have ever taken Him up on His offer?

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