Friday, July 29, 2016

it doesn't matter

And when you are old, I will still be there, carrying you.

When your limbs grow tired,

your eyes are weak,
And your hair a silvery gray,

I will carry you as I always have.
I will carry you and save you.

Isaiah 46:4 (The Voice)

It doesn't matter of we're already a senior adult,

or a young adult,

or a middle aged adult,

or a child or someone in their teens.

It doesn't matter if we're male or female.

Tall or short.

Or what our ethnicity may be.

Or if we've made a mess of our lives, or someone else has made a mess of our lives.

Or if we're rich or poor.

None of it matters when we realize the universality of God's promise in this short verse that above.

Find this verse in your Bible & underline it,

& hold on to it.

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