Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Big Bang

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command,

that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.

Hebrews 11:3

I remember a few years ago, National Geographic Magazine had a graphic of the Big Bang.

There was an unimaginable amount of creation & expansion in the first few infinitely quick milliseconds.

Essentially, our whole universe appeared in less time than it takes me to clear my throat.

As I sat there looking at those vivid pictures & read the explanation, as fantastical & stupendous as it seemed, it didn't seem all that implausible.

Something that did impress me was that although many scientists have bought into this after much, MUCH study, in the final analysis, it is a theory which much be accept by faith.

We are expected to buy into this theory by faith that billions of years ago something happened & presto! everything we see in our universe can into being.

Now don't get me wrong - I don't have a problem taking by faith from all this scientific thought that our universe - or any parallel or otherwise existing universes - came into being rather suddenly out of nothing.

Since reading that article & looking at those graphics, I've wondered about something...

If we are encouraged to accept by faith that this mind-blowing creation of the universe(s) happened basically in the blink of an eye, then why can't we take the next step & accept by faith that "something" that made this big bang creation of the universe(s) was God?

It is a BIG step by faith to believe that all that we see in universe was created in the blink of an eye.

Why is it so hard to take the next step by faith & believe that Someone with infinite power was the One who instigated the whole thing?

Now before anyone who is reading this decides to launch into an explanation as to why scientists &/or the thinking community has already laid out why that last step by faith is improbable, may I just say, save your breath ;-)

I've heard it all before, explained by some of the finest minds we've known.

I know the deal.

At the same time, it still remains a puzzlement to me.

Accepting the possibility of the Big Bang is a BIG step by faith.

But if we're going to take BIG steps by faith, then why not consider that the Power intentionally generating that Big Bang was God?

Just a thought...

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