Tuesday, August 7, 2018

and so...

Don't be afraid

or discouraged,

for the Lord is the One who goes before you.

He will be with you.

He will never fail you

or forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:8

This is the verse used by the writer of Hebrews as the basis for Hebrews 13:5b, which is my life verse.

I will never leave you nor forsake you. - Hebrews 13:5b

It's something I hold as true, no matter what happens.

If you are someone who has followed by blogs over the years, you have probably noticed I've become less verbose in my commentary.

As my life has become more & more circumspect as the years have passed, I have found that my perspective on verses & situations to have become more & more tiresome.

There is such an eternal truth to the simple exposure to the Bible - it's what I believe firmly & completely that we all should Read the Bible Every Day Without Fail (RTBEDWF).

I don't write these blows with any agenda - it has been & always will be simply what stands out for me each day in whatever places I read.

I'm not trying to be wise - that is too laughable to even think about.

I don't have an ax to grind - we have enough of that these days.

I'm just trying to expose us all to the basic & eternal truths of the Word of God.

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