Wednesday, May 27, 2020

now or later or both?

This is Jesus talking here...

I get the part about eternal life.

I get the part about some who are a big deal here may not be a big deal there.

And I understand that many who seem unimportant here will be big deals in heaven.

But the hundred times in return part - is Jesus talking about during our lives here, or later, or both?

I really am curious what y'all think - I don't have an answer & thought maybe y'all did

Matthew 19

29 And everyone who has given up houses 

or brothers 

or sisters 

or father 

or mother 

or children 

or property, 

for my sake, 

will receive 

a hundred times as much in return 

and will inherit eternal life. 

30 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, 

and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.

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