Wednesday, December 31, 2008

a year ago

a year ago, I was going down to Cochran to help out with the new Christ Chapel down there. Things were going well with HOGMacon. I had plenty to be & do.

but God had other plans...

I'd told the staff that I knew 2008 is gonna be a doozie, b/c God had given me 4 scriptures for 2008, instead of my usual 1.

Little did I know that God was going to start to talk to me through His word in the Bible, through the words of sermons I would hear, in just thoughts that would drop into my head at random moments, & through visual images that would come up in my head at unplanend times.

And He hasn't stopped talk since...

If you had told me a year ago that I would be taking care of HOGMacon again for a while, I wouldn't have believed you.

If you had told me that God would draw my heart to downtown Macon & caused me to become a catalyst for a presence down there, I would have found that rather unfathomable.

Yet, that's where we are.

God's indicated I'm to keep the same 4 verses from 2008 for 2009, plus add a couple of passages - more about that tomorrow.

I have to continue to remind myself to not so much think outside the box, but to simply throw my box away.

What can you get from al this?

Trust Him - since He's far more interested in us knowing what He wants us to be & do, He'll let us know when it's time.

The life He dreamed for each of us is much more interesting, risky, challenging, breathtaking, & fulfilling than any life we could create in our minds.

If something scares us & we know we can't do on our own, it's usually something God wants us to be or do.

The God of the universes s imtimately interested in the tiny details of each of our lives & loves to handle the weaving of the tapestry of those lives.

What a year this has been...

Next year's gonna be a doozie

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