Saturday, September 5, 2015

I'm thinking...

As he explained much of his life to them, Paul wrote these words about himself to the church in Galatia

Galatians 2:20b

It is no longer I who live,

     but Christ lives in me.

So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God,

     who loved me

     and gave himself for me.

I've been thinking about something recently.

I don't have it fleshed completely out, yet.

One of the things I've been thinking about recently is how we spend a lot of energy being frustrated, stressed, &/or dissatified about our lives.

We have all those feelings because our lives haven't worked out the way we think they should have.

We want things to be the way they used to be.

Or we want things to be the way we think they ought to be.

Or we may want things to develop from where they are into things that we think they should be.

(Did those last 3 statements make sense? I hope so.)

But what I've been wondering lately is whether we're spending an awful lot of energy unnecessarily.

Could it be that we are better served if we simply accept the way things are & move ahead in that reality, rather than being constantly frustrated?

I know that may sound like giving up.

The fine line in this kind of thinking is the line between accepting things as they are (as difficult as that may be)

     partly because there doesn't look like there's anything we can do about it,

     & partly because God is either allowing it or intending it.

If we are saying that we live our lives trusting God

     & trying to be & do what He says for us to be & do,

     then shouldn't it follow that we accept the place that surrender places us?

The BIG question for me in what I'm trying to process is

     where does the line lie between accepting where this obedience to God has led you

     & just giving up out of resignation?

When do we accept the way things are & go with it?

And when do we continue to hope for something else?

Anybody got any ideas they want to share? (no flaming, please!)

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