Wednesday, November 11, 2015

keep on

Is anyone ready to quit?

Does quitting look good?

(Lots of the time, it takes more effort to quit than to continue!)

I'm serious, if you're reading this, are you just worn out, fed up, crushed, discouraged, at the end of your rope, &/or completely done?

Read these words of Jesus.

He knew when He spoke them 2000+ years ago that you would need to read them today.

And the 2 most important words in these 2 verses are...?

Keep on”

That's what Jesus is saying to you & me.

Keep on”

And if we do, verse 8 tells us what will happen.

Even if we don't feel like it will happen.

Even if it looks like it's impossible.

Today, you & I just need to keep on putting one foot ahead of the other.

Matthew 7

7 "Keep on asking,

and you will receive what you ask for.

Keep on seeking,

and you will find.

Keep on knocking,

and the door will be opened to you.

8 For everyone who asks,


Everyone who seeks,


And to everyone who knocks,

the door will be opened.

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