Friday, December 26, 2008

greatness / servanthood

Luke 22:26 Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant.

I wonder what the financial state of our country, & of our world, would be if the men running the financial institutions had this kind of attitude about their jobs, & themselves?

I wonder where the Big Three auto makers would be in their CEO's & other bigwigs had a modicum of this kind of an attitude about themselves & their jobs, & themselves?

I wonder what our lives would be like if just the presidents since World War II had this kind of attitude, about their jobs & themselves?

I wonder what our lives would be like, our world would be like, if you & I had this attitude about ourselves & our lives?

Sometimes, the answers to the big questions & the big problems seem to me to get simpler & simpler as the years pass, but fewer & fewer seem to be figuring that out.

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