Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Romans 9: 33c ...anyone who believes in Him (Jesus) will not be disappointed.

Disappointed is defined as: to fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of; to frustrate or thwart.

How many of us have had people who just didn't measure up?

How many of us have had the crucial, important people just not care about us like we need to be cared about, let alone want to be care about?

How many of us have had people abuse us?

And how many of us have grown cynical, fearful, & suspicious of people because of it?

And how many of us would give ANYTHING for...
someone we can REALLY trust,
someone we KNOW will never let us down,
someone we can always count on,
someone we can go to as a refuse from all the crap in our lives?

Paul says Jesus is that Person.

If any of us haven't trusted Him like that, what have we got to lose by trusting Him like that?

If we find out He can't be trusted, have we rally lost aything; haven't our fears & suspicions simply been confirmed, again?

But what if we find out that in all the wide world, He is the one Person who can be trusted completely, who will never disappoint us...

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