Monday, February 7, 2011


Proverbs 24:10 If you fail under pressure, your strength is not very great.

I heard it said that "troubles don't MAKE you what you are, but REVEAL who you are."

Iow, troubles are often all a part of the refining process God has us in.

Fyi, if you haven't already guessed, in each of our lives, "WE are the project, NOT what we DO."

And last night, on the Superbowl, I heard something on a car commercial - hey! truth is truth, no matter who it comes from! ;-)

"The hottest fire makes the strongest steel."

But the hottest fires also burn away ALL but the true essence of a metal.

You can see what then analogy means  in regards to us and the refining fires of the Holy Spirit active in our lives.

I figure most of me, if not all of me, is gonna be burned away this time.

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