Monday, May 30, 2011


Psalm 105:19 Until the time came to fulfill His word,
   the Lord tested Joseph's character.

I wonder if that's what He's doing in my life now.

Some people say that if we wonder something like that, then that's probably what's going on. come defines testing thusly...
   1. the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial.
   2. the trial of the quality of something: to put to the test.
   3. a particular process or method for trying or assessing.


yeah, I feel my genuineness, quality, & assessment is being revealed.

brace yourself... I'm finding I'm not as holy as you think I am ;-)

(boy, howdy!)

testing is for Him - He already knows who & what we are.

testing is for us - so we'll see ourselves for who & what we are, as He sees us.

not a pretty picture sometimes.

It's all about trust - that is, that's a lot of what I'm seeing these days - trust

It's a whole lot easier to trust him when you're making a comfortable living, in an organized ministry, & surrounded by tons of people you know.

It's another thing when you're having to be very careful financially, not really sure who & what you're supposed to be & do, & r basically on your own.

I'm understanding pioneer missions in a whole different way - trust me, there's very little glam to it ;-)

the hope to hold on to in this verse is "until the time came to fulfill His word"

iow, something's coming


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