Saturday, June 9, 2012


Romans 16:25a  God is able to make you strong...

I went to & checked their 32 different English translation of this verse. Sometimes there can be an interesting difference in what each translation from the Greek. Each one basically said the same thing...

     1) God is able...
            In a world where EVERYTHING has its limits, its weaknesses, there is One person to which that does not apply.
            Iow, He is capable of anything.

     2) we don't have to live our lives defeated & weak...

            God has the ability to so infuse our lives that we will have what it takes to be & do what He dreams us to be & do.

It's interesting, after writing this towering treatise one the personhood of God & how we fit into it, Paul just slips this earthshaking little verse. It's easy to miss.

And depending on how you read it, it has something very strong to say to you & me.

GOD is able to make you strong.

God is able to make YOU strong.

God IS ABLE to make you strong.

God is able to make you STRONG.

God is able to MAKE you strong.

So as we sometimes limp along in our live, we can remember that as we face life each day there is Someone who can give us what is necessary to face it. We don't need to live defeated lives, blown about by the winds of stress, worry, fear, or hurt. We can be strong because there is One who can place in us some of His strength.

God is able to make you (& me) strong.

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