Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Who He is

Matthew 17

Jesus told them.

      "I tell you the truth,

     if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed,

     you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,'

     and it would move.

Nothing would be impossible."

I don't believe this means that God can become something of a heavenly vending machine, doing thing & giving us things simply because we believe He can.

What I do think is part of what Jesus was talking about here is that we seldom know or fully realize Who it is we're connected to in our relationship with the God of the universes.

This isn't some celestial grandfather type, who is just something of a bigger version of ourselves.

He is so blindingly holy, infinitely powerful, all knowing, & all wise - the Person who always is - Someone whose very personhood can incinerate us.

But what I'm interested in knowing is what you think Jesus was talking about here.

If you have a thought, make it in the comments below.

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