Tuesday, October 13, 2009


James 3:13 If you are wise & understand God's ways, live a life of steady goodness so that only good deeds will pour forth.

Steady goodness...I guess that's sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other, huh?

Anybody besides me feel like that sometimes? Like it's not about being brilliant, wise, creative, discerning, or any of those other glamorous & glittering personality traits.

Sometimes it's about just livin' the life, just taking one step at a time, one step after another.

Maybe that's what faithfulness is all about; continuing to move in the direction we're going. Maybe it's just getting up in the morning, putting your clothes on, brushing your teeth, gathering your things, & moving into the life & tasks at hand. I see so many of my friends unable to see that life is lived in days of "steady goodness." That days when the glamorous & glitsy supernatural happens are the rewards & rejuvinators of our walk with our Abba Father, but not the place where we live every breathing moment. I think God knows if we live in the rarified state of constant supernatural activity we would probably wear out & short circuit quickly. Our lives are to be lived in His Word, the true source pf steadiness & in the simple doing & being He dreamed for us.

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