Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Psalm 105:19 Until the time came to fulfill His word, the Lord tested Joseph's character.

I know some of you may have a hard time with this verse.

But think about this...

When our daughter, Hannah, was little, like preschool age, both Lynn & I started allowing her to make small decisions for herself, & then let her live with the consequences.

We did this intentionally over the years as she grew up. If we had never done this, she wouldn't know how to make decisions on her own, nor would she have learned how to live with not only the benefits of her good decisions but the consequences of her bad decisions. Essentially, her growth as a person would have been stunted as a result.

Then wouldn't it follow that God, who over & over in the Bible stresses that He wants us to think of Him as a Father, would be consistent in His behavior as a kind & just Father if He allowed us to be in situations that taught us similar attributes?

Got any feedback on my thinking here?

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