Thursday, March 14, 2013

if He really cares

1 Peter 5:7

Give all your worries

      & cares

        to God,

 for He cares



I wonder how many of us REALLY believe God cares about us.

Cares about the big things, cares about the little things, the mundane things, the good things, the bad things - all of it.

That He is personally engaged in thinking about us - not "us" as a group, but "us" as in you, & me- like He cares about us individually.

I don't know how many of us REALLY believe that.


because our lives indicate we don't.

because if we did, we wouldn't be worried about every little thing in our lives.

because we'd walk, talk, & live like people who are cared about & cared for by the omnipotent, omniscient, loving, Father God who created the universes.

maybe we should make a list of all the things that we're worried about

all that stuff that drags us down

what some call "the cares of this world"...

maybe we should write down as many as we can think of

and then consciously, rationally, set aside some time to talk to Him, & individually give each one of them specifically to Him

What would our lives be like if we did this?

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