Thursday, February 5, 2015


Here on earth you will have many trials & sorrows.

But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

This is Jesus speaking to his disciples the night before He was killed.

I would think in that situation, Jesus would be cutting to the chase about everything.

He didn't have much time left with his disciples, so I would think that we was saying a lot of things to them, a lot of important things.

Here He says something succinct, while at the same time huge.

All of us experience all kinds of rough stuff.

     Some of us have a real sack of rock to tote.

     And some of us just seem to have one crazy, crappy thing after another happen to us.

You know people like that.

     You may be one of them.

Jesus says something here that I don't think we buy into very much, given the worry we all live with.

Jesus, who is God - the God of the universes - basically says to us here that He knows & understands that we're gonna have all kind of bad stuff thrown at us as we walk this life here on earth.

And then He says very simply that He's got our backs.

We don't have to be overwhelmed, overcome, or over stressed by all the bad stuff that happens to us & to people we know & care about.

He's got this. He's gonna take care of us.

Why don't we believe this & rest in it?

Is it another trust issue?

Do we just not believe He's gonna come through?

Or do we carry the load of our "trials & sorrows" ourselves for control reasons?

Or is it we just don't think we're worthy of that kind of caregiving from God?

Something tells me there are a lot of different reasons why we don't trust Him with all things hard stuff we endure.

But the bottom line is that Jesus, in the last few hours with His disciples told them He had their backs.

All we have to do is trust Him on it.

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