Thursday, November 16, 2017



Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

If I was sitting with a bunch of 20somethings & was asked what piece of advice or "words of wisdom" I could offer, I could answer easily...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

If I was going to speak to a joint session of Congress or the U. N. General assembly, I would tell them the same thing...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

If I was asked to give the commencement address at any high school, college, or university, I would share with them this paramount thought...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

If I was going to get a tattoo, I believe the first one would read...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

I'm going to be cremated & have my ashes scatter, but if I was going to have a grave site with a tombstone, it would read...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

If I was given a chance to sit & chat over a cup of coffee with any world leader alive today, I would say the same thing...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!


God has given us an unspeakably, unimaginable gift in the Bible.

It is Him, the God of the universes, speaking directly to us, individually.

No matter what the question or situation, the answer can be found within its pages.

Often I heard people people say they can't seem to ever get God to speak to them.

I usually wonder if that person reads the Bible every day.

Because since I started reading the Bible every day, I can't get Him to shut up!


If you never take to heart any other thing I ever say again, take this best piece of advice I have...

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!

Now, if you do, God will mess with you.

The very LAST thing you want Him to put His finger on, THAT will be the very FIRST thing He will speak to you about.

He won't let you go until you address it with Him.

The more you read the Bible, the more your perception of the world around you will be altered.

When you compare what is written there, juxtaposed with the way things are today, the clearer things with become.

God many times will alter the direction of your life, often in 90 degrees to 180 degrees.

Course changes often happen abruptly, in directions you would NEVER consider going.

And there will come a richness to your life that is unimaginable.

Because God will speaking intimately & lovingly directly to you.

How in the world can you beat that?!

How do I know all this?

I've been reading the Bible every day without fail since January, 2003.

I've experienced it, day in, day out, for almost 15 years.

Read the Bible, every day, without fail!


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