Monday, May 21, 2018

what's seeing them through

Mark 8

36 For what use is it to gain all the wealth and power of this world, 

with everything it could offer you, 

at the cost of your own life? 

37 And what could be more valuable to you than your own soul?

That was the passage that was also running through my head as I watched the wedding of Harry & Meghan.

Now, don't get me wrong - I wasn't sitting there condemning or castigating.

I just wondered how many of those folks we watched move through a lovely event were depending on their wealth, power, prestige, privilege, &/or place to see them through, rather than trusting in the Lord to see them through?

I mean, people have been trusting in themselves & their accomplishments since time began.

But while watching big events like that, I think about the individuals we see & where they as a person are with the Lord.

So many are going blithely along, unaware or uncaring where the trajectory of their lives is leading them.

Dark thoughts, you think?

Maybe not...

It's just things I think about, whether it's while watching a royal wedding, or watching people around me as they wander through their lives.

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