Monday, July 16, 2018


If you cling to your life,

you will lose it;

but if you give up your life for me,

you will find it.

Jesus speaking in Matthew 10:39

I was scheduled to read Matthew 10 this morning.

Anyone who reads this blog knowns this verse is the lead verse among many for 2018.

The last time this verse was the lead verse God led me into the most halcyon days of my life.

He could only do that if I let go of my life & went places for Him I never dreamed possible.

I don't see halcyon days ahead this year, but then, I didn't see them back then, either.

One thing is for sure - if another season of halcyon days comes our of this year, it will be a miracle second only to the parting of the Red Sea.

But all I know is all I know - if we hold tightly to the life we have, God is not able to give us the life He's prepared for us in the next season of our life.

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