Monday, November 12, 2018



into all the world

& preach the Good News

to everyone,


Mark 16:15

Jesus is speaking here to His disciples, right before He went back to heaven.

Jesus is very specific here.

He said what to do when He said, "Go..."

I think that's the most important word in the sentence.

iow, Jesus mandated us to be proactive.

He told us where to go: "into all the world".

He was particular when He said what to do when we got out there: "tell people the Good News."

And what was the Good News?

That He had made a way for us to connect with God - that we no longer needed to be separated from God anymore.

Jesus also made it very clear who it was & is we're to go to & tell the Good News: "everyone".

And He also specific about where these people were: "everywhere".

The when of this mandate in implied - NOW!

And He left for us to figure out the how, since He knew how the world would change over the millennia.

Who, what, where, when, & how...

And how many of us are obeying that mandate?

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