Monday, February 18, 2019


Another man said,

"Yes, Lord, I will follow you,

but first let me go say goodbye to my family."

Jesus said to him,

"Anyone who puts a hand to the plow & then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

Luke 9:62 (NLT, 1st ed.)

So, when Jesus calls us, we are to look forward, not back?

iow, our focus is to be in what lies ahead, not what used to be?

Is it that looking back is futile, because He has morphed us into something & someone different from what & where we used to be, no matter how wonderful or glitteringly exciting that seemed to be?  

That is why as Lynn & I have entered into this very tough seemingly impossible season, we have to look ahead, & not the seeming safety & security of Macon?

We are to follow Jesus, keeping our gaze toward whatever it is He is guiding us into?

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