Tuesday, September 3, 2013

fill in the blanks

Matthew 21:21 Then Jesus told them,

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt,

     you can do things like this and much more.

You can even say to this mountain,

     'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,'

     and it will happen.

22 You can pray for anything,

        and if you have faith,

        you will receive it."

This doesn't imply that our God is a vending machine for stupendous miracles.

At the same time, I think it also says something about whether we REALLY believe God will come through for us.

I think the latter is what's really going on here, not the former.

Is it too much of a stretch to say that the real problem for us is that don't have any difficulty believe God can be or do __________ (you fill in the blank).

What the real issue amounts to is we don't think He'll come through for US.

We know full well & are completely confident that He'll come through for _________, __________, or __________ time& time again. (you fill in the blanks)

But we don't think He'll come through for us.

Why do we believe that?

Bc believing for others is easier bc there's no responsibility in it for us if He doesn't come through, while we know there's a better than average chance that He will come through?

But at the same time we just don't think He'll come through for us, personally bc ___________ (another blank for you to fill in).

Any of this make sense?

And how should we then live is we really, REALLY believe what Jesus just promised here?

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