Sunday, October 20, 2013

for such a time as this

Esther 4:14b ...who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Before we denigrate & castigate ourselves, before we think we just a nano-speck in the cosmos, consider these words spoken to Queen Esther by her uncle, Mordecai.

The Jews faced being annihilated when the King Xerxes, Esther's husband, had been tricked into decreeing the slaughter of the Jews..

Mordecai has just asked Esther, a Jew, to plead her peoples case before Xerxes. Read the book of Esther to find out how is all comes out.

Each of us figures into the overarching plan God has for humankind. Yes, some of us have great & glamorous things planned for us by God, plans that are quite grand.

But most of us are people who fulfill but a small segment in that plan.

But we should never forget that our past of the plan is just as important in God's eyes as those entrusted w/ the great, grand, glittering, & glorious parts.

So that means that Lynn & my presence in Blairsville is "for such a time as this"?

And does that also mean that where you are - in the town in which you presently reside, in the house & neighborhood in which you presently live, in the job your presently hold, or in the unemployment in which you find yourself, in the relationships in which you now walk, in the places you go to on a regular basis, in the places you shop, trade or buy stuff from, in the doctors you see, in the Facebook / Twitter / Linkedin contacts we have - in short, in all the places that you & I make contact w/ other humans we have been strategically placed by God "for such a time as this"?

Before we scoff at such a grand mandate, think about this...

God spoke through the psalmist in Psalm 32:8 when He said, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

That doesn't sound like our lives are a haphazard thing.

But you say you're not necessarily following God all that closely?

Hmmm.... consider this then...

Do you think that any of who you are & what you do comes as a great surprise to God?

Do you think the angel, Gabriel,woke God up the other day and said, "Uhm... oh great & mighty, omnipotent, holy, omniscient  Creator of the universes, ___________ (fill in your name) just __________ (fill in what you did)"?

Maybe God knew what we'd be & do when He dreamed us up a gajillion years ago & figured that in when He dreamed His dreams for each of us & how that would all fit together into the overaching plans He has for humankind?

Think about it...

"...for such a time as this."

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