Tuesday, June 3, 2014

young & old

This is Paul, the apostle, writing to his adopted son,Timothy, in Paul's first letter to Timothy, which is part of what we call the New Testament.

Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young.

Be an example to all believers in what you teach,

     in the way you live,

     in your love,

     your faith,

     & your purity.

Until I get there,

     focus on reading the Scriptures to the church

     encouraging the believers,

     & teaching them.

(1 Timothy 4:11-13)

Many of you who are reading this are young.

Many of you aren't.

For those of you who aren't, listen to people who are young.

They sometimes see things through fresh eyes, not encumbered by tradition, preconceived thoughts, or liabilities.

They have an energy & forward motion that is long gone in many of us who are older.

And let's all remember that true change seldom comes about unless embraced by the young.

For those of you who are young, cut those of us who are not young with a little slack.

We didn't get to where we are by accident.

We got there through sheer grit & an accumulation of experience.

And as hard as it is to imagine, we were once young, just like you.

You see things differently from us - sometimes that's very good.

Just remember Paul reminds Timothy, & at the same time, all of you who are young, that we need you to show us your life in Jesus

     through the things you think & believe,

     by the quality of your life,

     in the way you love us & everyone else,

     in how much faith you show in the God of the universes,

     & the purity of your day to day life with Jesus.

The young have much to teach those of us who are older.

And those of us who have been around the block have much to share with the young.

And we should try harder to see that, understand it, reach across generations to connect, because we need each other.

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