Tuesday, November 17, 2015

be yeast

Matthew 13

33 Jesus also used this illustration:

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread.

Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour,

it permeated every part of the dough."

This morning, I was struck by the simplicity of this parable.

I'm not what could be called much of a baker, but I do understand the basics of yeast.

It's what makes bread rise into the light, fluffy, good smelling thing that it is.

Getting yeast to do it's job is pretty easy.

Put it in some warm water to activate the bacteria of yeast.

Then put it in some flour & it will spread throughout the dough.

It does this job by simply being what it is...

a bacteria that simply multiplies in the right environment.

What struck me were the parallels to us as Christ followers.

The “bacteria” we carry or are is the good news that God has provided a way for humankind to reconnect with God.

In many ways, we don't have to become something other what what we are...

people filled with the Holy Spirit.

And that Holy Spirit will influence through us the people around us,

not by any special method or plan,

but by simply working through who we are & where we are.

iow, we go out into our daily lives,

loving & sharing the life we find in connection to God,

& that connection with Him that people around us experience through us will slowly permeate them.

Hmmm... think about that today.

And think about the overarching ramifications that implies.

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