Saturday, November 18, 2017

some verses

Here's some verses that roll around inside of me these days.

Some have been there longer than others.

As for me, I am poor & needy, 

but the Lord is thinking about me right now. 

Psalm 40:17

You both precede & follow me. Psalm 139:5

I will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

Don't be afraid or discouraged,

for the Lord is the One Who goes before you.

He will be with you.

He will neither fail you or forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:8

If you cling to your life, you will lose it;

but if you give it up for me, you will find it.

Matthew 10:39

Jesus said, "Come to Me, 

all of you who are weary & carry heavy burdens,

& I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

For the word of God is full of living power.

It is sharper than the sharpest knife,

cutting deep into our innermost thoughts & desires.

It exposes us for what we really are.

Hebrews 4:12

You didn't choose Me.

I chose you.

I appointed you to go & produce fruit that will last...

John 15:16

And those are just a few of the dozens & dozens that roll around inside of me at any given time.

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