Friday, December 14, 2012

God talkiing

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet & a light to my path.

I put up a pic on my FB timeline yesterday that was pretty singular. It said...

Prayer - how you talk to God.
Read scripture - How God talks to you.

Sometimes I think people don't get it when I talk about reading the Bible each day. They think it's some sort of duty that I just grit my teeth & do each day because I'm "a good Christian."

Nope, that's not it at all.

God speaks to me when I read the Bible.

It's just that simple.

Reading the Bible is the major way God speaks to me.

I figure if He uses the reading of the Bible as the major way He speaks to me, then there's a good chance He'll speak to you,too.

I will warn you though...

If you read the Bible every day, God will talk to you.

He will mess with you.

And He will mess with you in ways & places in your life that you don't want Him to mess with.

But God loves us to much to leave us where He found us.

Just a thought...

(Read the Bible - God will talk to you - lots!)

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