Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Romans 10

 For "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved."

14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?

And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?

And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?

15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?

That is why the Scriptures say, "How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!"

As Christ followers, we are all under a mandate to "go".

All of my life, I've heard these verses used in missions conferences as a basis for challenging people to consider whether God is calling them to a life of telling people in foreign countries about Jesus & the life-giving connection with God that He makes possible.

I think it's a very valid passage to use for that purpose.

For some reason we think that people are missionaries if they go to foreign countries.

Not true.

You & I - all of us - are challenged to be a person who reaches out to the folks around us w/ the idea that thru Jesus we have that life-giving connection.

That can be with the people in our home,

     our neighborhood,

     where we work,

     where we get groceries,

     where we go to work out,

     or the coffee shop we frequent,

     or the ball teams our kids play on,

     or any place we go.

We don't like to think about that, do we?

I'm not suggesting that we all become "Bible bangers" - people who are always being obnoxious about their faith in Jesus & hitting people over the head with it.

I'm suggesting we simply open up our lives to people by loving them as individuals & simply sharing our life in Jesus with them.

     If we go to see a movie & like it, we tell people.

     If we go to a restaurant & like the food, we tell people.

     If we like anything, or don't like something, we tell people.

That's the kind of sharing of Jesus I'm talking about - not something that suggests we're better than anyone else - but a sharing that says, "this is what I've found in connecting to God thru Jesus & I want you to know about it too.

And consider this one last thing...

What if the people who influenced you or I to be a follower of Jesus had decided this wasn't something they could or should do?


We wouldn't be the Christ followers that we are today.

We are all under the same mandate - go and tell, whether that venue is close by, or far away.

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