Sunday, September 17, 2017

7 words that will revolutionize your life

I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:11

Read the Bible, every day, without fail.

Read the Bible, every day, without fail.

Read the Bible, every day, without fail.

Read the Bible, every day, without fail.

Read the Bible, every day, without fail.

Read the Bible, every day, without fail.

Those 7 words, if you follow them, will absolutely & positively revolutionize your life.

In January, 2003, 

at the age of 52 1/2, 

after almost 30 years in ministry, 

with a Bible reading habit that can be described generously as higgledy-piggldy, 

that's what God mandated I do.

Thank You, God, that I did.

I've never been quite the same since.

I've said & done things I NEVER would have done on my own unless I had been reading the Bible every day without fail.

I don't know how I made it before...

how did I make it before?!

I musta been wandering around like a blind sow in a rye patch!!!

Well, yeah, I was...

I will warn you... if you do this, God. will. mess. with. you.

And He will start by messing with you in the very area(s) you absolutely don't want Him to.

I speak from experience...

These last 14 years, I've heard people say many, many times...

"I just can't seem to get God to tell me what to do, like speak to me is some way."

Trust me on this - since I started reading the Bible every day without fail, I can't get Him to shut up...

Do it - read the Bible every day without fail...


God will talk to you...

I promise...

You may not like what He says...

But He will NOT be silent...

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