Monday, March 18, 2019


Love one each other.

Just as I have love you, you should love each other.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

John 13:34-35 (NLT, 1st ed.)

Jesus spoke these words the night before He died.

Judas had left, & Jesus was alone with the eleven.

I doubt Jesus was being metaphorical, obtuse, or subtle.

He has a limited amount of time left with these 11 dear men... 

11 men who would change the course of history...

11 men who would carry the Gospel to the world.

And they communicated exactly what Jesus mandated them to do.

They loved people.

That was what distinguished Christians - the quality of their love for others.

Sadly, that would seem to no longer be what we are known for.

It would seem we are most known for being rigid...


saying no a lot.

We have become conservative to the point of reactionary when throughout history we have been known for our progressive, creative thinking,  creating things like 


children's homes, 

child labor laws,

protection of animal laws,

seeking out marginalized people,

taking care of the poor,

reaching out to those in prison,

loving people whether they became Christians or not,

going to risky, dangerous places to tell people about Jesus,
faithfulness to each other in a world of infidelity

righteousness in a sin-soaked world.

Over the last half century we have gone whoring for many things:

political power, 


legislated morality, 

& a pick & choose Christian culture with no real relationship with Jesus where we allow ourselves to be easily tricked with cunning demonic & satanic deception.

We have lost our way.

And I don't know what will turn us back...

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