Friday, April 1, 2011

whispers, not shouts

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength,
  always ready to help in times of trouble.
2 So we will not fear when earthquakes come
  and the mountains crumble into the sea.
3 Let the oceans roar and foam.
  Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!

An interesting statement to read today, in view of the events in Japan.


Psalm 46:10 "Be silent, and know that I am God!

Some translations say, "Be still" - either way, how many of us are REALLY silent or still with God? We spend SO MUCH time running our mouths whenever we are talkinf with Him or are simply in His presence.

The deepest & most profound things God has EVER said to me didn't occur during some highly expressive prayer time or some "set my hair on fire" worship time. It was in very quiet times when He whispered something of enormous &/or eternal significance to me or about me.

Like what?

2001, during a discussion of "The Heart of the Artist" - "You don't have a problem with arrogance & pride. You're just self-centered."

December, 2002 - "Tell Andy King that thing you've never told anyone."

1st Friday night in May, 2003, while reading Erwin McManus' "Seizing Your Divine Moment" - "leave music ministry & serve in House of Grace" (the 20something ministry at the church where I was on staff)

late April, 2010, after driving back from Tommy Drakes' mountain home near Blairsville - "Blairsville..."

There were no trumpets, flashes of lightning, or fireworks.

It was the still, small voice of God.

How different my life would be today if I hadn't been listening.

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