Thursday, January 18, 2018

the harvest & the workers

Matthew 9:37 (Jesus) said to his disciples, 

"The harvest is great, 

but the workers are few.

38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; 

ask him to send more workers into his fields."

Unfortunately, as I have passed through this life of mine, I've seen less & less of an emphasis on both "the harvest" & "the workers".

There seems to be more of an emphasis of "living the American Dream" - which somehow became synonymous with being a Christian.

Funny, I don't find any reference in the Bible to the American Dream as the ultimate goal in a life of discipleship.

There also seems to have been more energy & money put into a wholesale legitimization of intentional whoring for political power & influence.

And somewhere along the line we've quit making the focal point of our lives to love God & love people & picked up the banner of moral policemen, judging others rather than connecting with them & loving them into the kingdom.

I feel a song coming on...

"And they'll know we are Christians by our love..."

Somewhere during my 67 years it seems we've strayed away from working to "save the lost" as our mandate & imbued being a Christian with the tawdry middle class values of late twentieth century white people.

And I'm afraid a return to the basic "mission" of Christian mandated by Jesus Himself may only be brought about after some cataclysmic occurrence that will pare away our silly & prissy values, making us aware of what really matters in the Kingdom of God.

Every once in a great while I find someone who still understand the needs of "the harvest" while realizing we are all one of "the workers" Jesus was talking about in this verse.

But as the years have passed, there are fewer & fewer of those kinds of people.

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