Friday, March 27, 2009

2 verses

For about a year & a half I've had as 2 of the 4 main scriptures in my life these verses:

at the end of Matthew 10 - "don't cling to your life" (don't cling to your life, for you will lose it; but if you let go of your life for Me, you'll find it.)

& in Matthew 6 - "don't worry about your life." (Aaron Barth reminded me over a year ago that the section in Matthew 6 about the lilies of the field & the birds of the air doesn't need all of that verbage - just remember he 1st part - "don't worry about your life.)

I've had to abandon a lot of my life to follow the "don't cling to your life" verse. It's amazing how much of my life I think I have to have. And it's amazing how little I really need. God keeps reminding me that if I'll just let loose of my life, He'll give me the life He dreamed for me a gajillion years ago.

And it's amazing how much I worry & even more amazing how much freer I am if I "don't worry about my life." If I can just trust God in the face of whatever comes my way, it's just amazing how freer & more nimble my life has become.

Think about it
don't cling to your life (Matthew 10)
don't worry about your life (Matthew 6)

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