Sunday, November 8, 2009

whatever it takes

1 Corinthians 9:22b I try to find common ground with everyone so that I might bring them to Christ.

How many of us can say this?

Or how many of us expect people to come across to our way of thinking, or being, or doing?

How many of us try to build a bridge to the people around us?

Or how many of us think it would be "compromising" to try to find a common link between us and some of the "heathen" people around us?

That link could be something as simple as a common love of playing basketball, cooking, the Dolphins, or Martha Stewart.

The interesting thing is that we seldom want to extend to others the very thing that was extended toward us. I would dare say that we're all who we are because there were pivotal people in our lives who reached out to us & tried to make a connection with us simply so they could share with us the finer points of life as a Christ follower.

So why can't we consistently do the same thing for others.

And what if the pivotal people in our lives had had the same reluctant-to-share attitude we have?


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