Sunday, November 6, 2011


 Mark 4:24 Then (Jesus) added, "Pay close attention to what you hear.

   The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given - and you will receive even more.

25 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given.

But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them."

I'm not sure why I thought of this while reading these two verses...

People say to me frequently that they'd like to get more intimate with God, or be a better Christ follower, or that God would speak to them more clearly about stuff, or something that indicates they want a better connection to God. And they usually ask me if I know a book that could help them out with that.

I usually ask them where they're reading in the Bible. Most aren't.

I used to be like that.

I was an idiot.

You all know that me & Billy Graham read a psalm every day ;-)

I read somewhere in the New Testament - right now I'm in the gospel of Mark. I may keep reading through the other two gospels, or maybe God will lead me to another book in the New Testament. But I read through a book ten check with Him to see where I need to go.

And a few years ago I started reading through the Old Testament. I'm in 2 Chronicles. I'm ready to be out of Chronicles - it's all about the kings of Israel & Judah. It's a little dry ;-)

I said all that to say this...

Read the Bible. Start out by reading Psalm 1; tomorrow read Psalm 2; the next day, Psalm 3...

You get the idea.

Maybe you could also start reading the gospel by John, the same way - 1st day chapter 1, 2nd day chapter 2, etc.

Trust me, your life will change, for the better.

Now, I will tell ya this - if you read the Bible, God will mess with you.

And He will mess with you in the area(s) that your LEAST want Him to put His finger on.

And if you read the Bible every day, God will not shut up.

You see, the Bible is God speaking to us.

Read it.

The smartest thing I've ever done in my life was to start reading the Bible every day.

The dumbest thing I've ever done is to wait until I was 52 1/2 to do it!

Read it. Start today.

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