Saturday, January 21, 2012

take the time

Acts 19
8 Then Paul went to the synagogue and preached boldly for the next three months, arguing persuasively about the Kingdom of God. 9 But some became stubborn, rejecting his message and publicly speaking against the Way. So Paul left the synagogue and took the believers with him.

Then he held daily discussions at the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 10 This went on for the next two years, so that people throughout the province of Asia—both Jews and Greeks—heard the word of the Lord.

We live in an instant society & culture. We want what we want, & we want it NOW!

Living in this kind of paradigm sometimes makes our attempts at so called evangelism to sometimes take on the characteristics of a drive by shooting - it's kinda like we fling a lot of truthful statements at people as we're passing by them.

It's interesting that Paul spent 2 years having "discussions" with people in Ephesus - 2 years. It doesn't say if he had good crowds, small crowds, or what.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of goal orientation in this activity. Boy! I wonder how long Paul would last in our goal oriented, success drive world?!

The notes in my Bible say that lecture halls like this one in Greece were used for schooling in the mornings, but during the hot part in middle of the day, they were not.

So, let me get this right...

During the hot part of the day, when people are off work, Paul goes each day to a place of indeterminate size (& temperature) in Ephesus to sit around & discuss the fact that Jesus is the Messiah. And he does this for 2 years.

2 years.

Here's what I think we need to grasp here (among other things). Sharing the truths about Jesus & a relationship with Him is something that people will listen to if they know the person who's doing the talking.

Iow, they need to know you & me. Impacting people for Jesus takes an investment of time & effort on our parts in the people that we want to reach for Jesus.

John Maxwell has written that "People don't care what you know until they know you care."


That applies especially in trying to influence them to become Christ followers.

So, let's take time, however long, to connect with people, love them, show them who we are, & share with them the life we find in & thru Jesus.

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