Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Here's what I put in my status later on yesterday...

"As many times as I've read this psalm in the last 9+ yrs, I've never seen this before...

"Psalm 1:3 (the godly) are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail.
Their leaves never wither, & in all they do, they prosper.

"So... is this a promise for me, or you, in the season we're both in now, as well as any seasons to come, as well as the seasons that have passed?!

"it says "every season" & "without fail" as well as "in all they do, they prosper" (but NOT like in the prosperity gospel thinking, I believe)"

We're so ever-lovin' success oriented. Sometimes as servants to our God we need to simply obey what He tells us to be & do & then live with maybe not knowing what the results of our obedience are.

I know, I know - you're thinking something along the line of what I'm thinking - that we'll see something come of our efforts. It's like we HAVE to see fruit produced to validate who & what we are & what we've been doing.

I'm not so sure about that these days. I think it's more about simply being & doing.

I've also wondered if my interpretation of seemingly fruitful seasons & unfruitful ones may not be so valid. My measuring stick has been the one we all use - our own opinion & the opinions of those who validate us. I'm not sure if that's how we should quantify the seasons of our lives.

Maybe the seasons I thought fruitful were spent in the constant maintenance of that success & less on impacting others.

And maybe the seasons I thought were kinda fruitless were periods when I had time to connect more with people, which is really what it's all about, isn't it?

I know, I know - you're probably thinking, "he's just thinking that way to justify his present season." That may be a partially valid criticism, but I'm not sure if that explains everything that's going on inside my head. I think that part of what I'm thinking is colored by all that, but at the same time, I think it's also a new understanding of the ebb & flow of our lives.

Anyway, think about it...

Think about it in relation to YOUR life - the different seasons so far, & those yet to come.

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