Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Luke 15:1 Tax collectors & other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. 2 This made the Pharisees & teachers of religious law complain that He was associating with despicable people - even eating with them!

Who do we hang with?

Do we surround ourselves with Christ followers?

Or do we hang with people we know are sinners, people who we know don't follow Jesus or live as He would have them live?

Why do we insulate ourselves from people who don't follow Christ.

Where would any of us be if the people who decided to hang with us & show us the way to connect with Jesus had decided it was too great a risk or too odious a task to hang with us, showing us God's love in them & for us,& hadn't shown us the way?

I know where I'd be - on the slippery slope to hell.

So what should we do?

Be who we are, reach out in non-judgemental love,& share with them & show them the life we found in Him.

Actually care about them, not as some potential trophy, but as a person like ourselves, who simply lacks the life connection with Him that God intended for us.

And simply show them the way to Him.

An oversimplification?


But it's the way you & I found Him.

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