Friday, August 24, 2012

someone to follow

John 8:12 Jesus said to the people,"I am the light of the world.

     If you follow Me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness,

      because you will have the light that leads to life."

How many of us will agree that life can be pretty dark - confusing, uncertain, precarious, difficult, or just plain hard?

Jesus says here that if we listen to Him, even though we'll still be living in that dark & crazy world, we won't be aimlessly wandering through life. He will be with us, pointing the way.

I tell ya, after watching the world for the last 62 years get to be a scarier & scarier place, I'm thankful we have His promise that we don't have to live pointless, chaotic lives. We may live in a world that is pointless & chaotic, but by listening to Him, following Him, & obeying Him, our lives don't have to be that way. He provides guidance, stability, & an eternal connection.

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